Monday, December 29, 2014

To Give or Not to Give? Is that really the question?


How many of you like to give? I know for myself, I am a giver. I actually consider myself an extravagant giver. My gift of being self-less is often times listed as a weakness to most. I am learning that this is actually a rare strength. Many people are not self-less. Matter of fact, some of the most selfish people in my life, have been the people that I have personally helped the most. Lately, my circumstances have caused me to look at things in an entirely different light. I would like to share with you some of the personal lessons that I've learned over the past few months because of my personal circumstances. Here are a few ways that have helped me to learn to start GIVING back to me!

1. You can't stop doing the RIGHT thing, even if you don't get the credit.

I have acquired a lot of knowledge. Life has taught me a thing or two for sure. I've attended 3 universities. I've worked several jobs, have had several relationships, and am now self-employed. I'm a wife, mom, sister, and friend (countless lessons here) too. I believe that as we learn, we are to share. Many people have helped me get where I am. When opportunities are in front of me, and I have the knowledge to help, I always help. Its the educator in me. You all know that I sell BeautiControl. Well, there are so many lessons that I've learned over the past 6 years while working my business. In our business, we like to pride ourselves as being in business for ourselves but not by ourselves. So when another consultant comes to me with questions, even if they aren't on my team, and I have the information to help them, then I will help.  I've learned some tips that can surely help them avoid some of the heartache that working for yourself in the beauty industry can bring. Lately, I've felt that some people have abused and misused my time, money, and resources without even saying thank you. HOW RUDE? My fleshly instinct was to CUT THEM OFF and STOP DEALING WITH THEM!  However, I enjoy serving and helping others and I must not lose sight of my purpose to build others up! Now, I've learned to simply re-direct the time that I give to others. I've also learned to apply forgiveness. I won't stop doing the right thing just because someone doesn't appreciate it. I have also had to learn to give up my "right" to be offended. It is so freeing. GIVE YOURSELF THE REWARD.

2. When people show you who they are, BELIEVE them!

You can learn a lot buy observing. My educational career was in Health and Physical Education. We are taught to skim a room. Can you imagine fifty 6th graders running around a gymnasium? You have to be aware of your surroundings. I find myself skimming all of the time. I pay close attention and I listen even when it seems that I am not. My heart will always look for the best in others but I am learning to acknowledge and accept the FACTS in front of me. Its tough. Let me give you an example. If a person if gossiping about everyone at work to you, it should not be a shocker that they talk about you too! Its in their nature. They are a gossiper. Its what they do! Now, I don't put my blinders on when it comes to people. Say it with me, I believe in what I see!!! Trust yourself and your instincts when it comes to the knowledge that you already have about people.  (Accept for faith, its cool to believe what you can't see when it comes to FAITH. You liked that didn't you. I see you smiling out there.) Listen to that inner voice that is already giving you the answer. You are an amazing teacher. GIVE YOURSELF YOU.

3. Some people are just MEAN, get over it!

Yes I said it. Some people are just mean and hateful. You have to get over it. Trying to figure this out is like trying to mix oil and water even though its been proven for years that they don't mix. I have spent COUNTLESS hours whining about why someone is so mean and evil. Yes, I whine and some of you may too.  Let's stop this! It is what it is. Everyone is not nice. Everyone does not have integrity. Some people will not like you because of how you look, your career choice, your marital status, because you have children....I can go on and on but I think you get the picture. This is just how it is. Its not worth the time and energy to worry about the things that you can't change. Don't let mean people rob another ounce of your awesome thoughts. GIVE YOURSELF FREEDOM.

Yahrasiel Colbert
The Real Spa Girl