Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New You?


Last night, I brought in the New Year with great friends, great food, and great fun. We did nothing special or different from our other gatherings. We just enjoyed each other. This morning, I thought about the concept that we often hear, New Year, New You. My social media has been full of pictures, posts, new slogans, and the likes indicating how things will be different in 2015. But will it really be different? I believe that you must make the decision to "be the change" that you desire. Its NOT the year that changes you, its YOU that changes you. 

Looking back over the years, I realize that each year always brings expected and unexpected changes. In 2014, I wouldn't have guessed that my Father would pass away so this was unexpected and so very difficult for me. However, there were other things that happened to me that I can truly look back and say, "that was an expected change as a direct result of what I did or did not do." We can't do anything about the unexpected. Life deals us lemons at times but I plan to do some things to help me through the unexpected. I also plan to do some things that I expect will yield great results from it. I have made the decision to plan to be the change that I need and my business needs in 2015.

If you fail to plan, plan to fail. Here are a few of my plans and I hope that you will find them helpful.

1. Each day, I plan to wake up and intentionally prepare my mind for Greatness. I pray every morning but I plan to change the way that I pray by changing the words that I speak over myself. I've started this recently and its made such a difference in my attitude and the way that I approach the day. 

2. I plan to STICK to my budget. In my business, I can add $300-$500 in a matter of 60 minutes. So, at times, I am more optimistic than realistic when it comes to money. I'll spend because I know that I can make money fairly quickly. I must stop this.

3. I plan to utilize my resources better. I sat back yesterday and thought of the value of my network. Holy Moly! I know some amazing people. This year, I plan to tap into that network like never before.

4. I plan to take FULL responsibility for achieving my daily and weekly goals. Enough said with that. I'm RESPONSIBLE.

5. I plan to delegate some duties. I have to use some of my network to help me. I'm a point in my business where I need the extra hands and minds.

6. I plan to stay on the course. I actually allowed the advice of others to change some of my  thoughts and approaches. When God births something in you, you must stay the course. I plan to stay focused in 2015 with my vision and dreams. #befocused

7. I plan to drink more water and take my vitamins. Taking care of yourself is crucial. I want my thoughts and decisions to be sharp so I know that I need to fuel this physical body. My background is in Health and Wellness and its time to go back to the basics!

8. I plan to leave some dead weight behind. This includes bad habits and some people. Everyone isn't meant to ride with me in this journey and I'm finally okay with that. I also plan to cut out any habits that do not align with me being the best me.

What do you plan to do differently? Here's to a new year, new us! 

Yahrasiel Colbert
The Real Spa Girl

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